1. Write and call a python procedure about something which can help you in school, for example the teacher’s function we spoke about earlier.
  2. Points will be awarded based on creativity and functionality
quizGrade = 35 # set the quiz grade that the student currently has to 35

def changeQuizGrade (currentPoints): # procedure
    currentGrade = currentPoints / 40 # divide currentPoints by 40 and set equal to currentGrade
    currentGrade = currentGrade * 100 # calculate a percentage value for the current grade by multiplying currentGrade by 100
    return currentGrade 

newPoints = int(input(print("How many points did you get on your most recent quiz attempt, out of 40?"))) # get an integer input for the student's most recent test score
print(str(newPoints) + "/40") # print the student's most recent score
newGrade = (changeQuizGrade(int(newPoints))) # get the new grade by calling the procedure defined as changeQuizGrade

if newPoints > quizGrade: # if the new grade is greater than the student's current grade:
    newQuizGrade = newGrade # create a new variable for the new quiz grade, and set it equal to newGrade. which we calculated by using the procedure
    print("Your new grade is " + str(newQuizGrade)) # print newGrade/the most recent test score
    print("Your quiz score is still " + str(quizGrade)) # if the latest score isn't  greater than the current score, keep the student's score the same
How many points did you get on your most recent quiz attempt, out of 40?
Your new grade is 95.0