Num1 = 50 # define Num1 as 50
Num2 = Num1 % 9 + 15  #  5 + 15 = 20, num2 = 20
Num3 = Num2 / Num1 + ( Num2 * 2 ) # 20/50 + (20*2) = 20/50 + 40 = 40.4 = num3
Num4 = Num3 + Num1 / 5 - 10 # 40.4 + 50/5 - 10 = 40.4 = num4
Result = Num4 - Num2 # 40.4 - 20 = 20.4 = Result --> the result should be 20.4
print(Result) # checking work
Num1 = 10 # set Num1 as 10
Num2 = Num1 % 3 * 4 # 10/3 is 3R3 --? 3*4 = 12 --> Num2 = 12
Num1 = Num2 # Num1 = 12
Num3 = Num1 * 3 # 12*3 = 36 --> Num3 = 36
Result = Num3 % 2 # 36/2 = 18R0 --> Result = 0
print(Result) # checking work
valueA = 4 
valueB = 90
valueC = 17
valueB = valueC - valueA # 17-4 = 13 --> valueB = 13
valueA = valueA * 10 # 4*10 = 40 --> valueA = 40
if valueB > 10: # this condition is met, since valueB = 13 and 13>10
    print(valueC) # it should print 17
type = "curly"
color = "brown"
length = "short"
type = "straight" # changes type from curly to straight
hair = type + color + length
print(hair) # should print straight brown short

Strings Hacks

Find the result of the following problems. Then convert the pseudocode to working python code using your knowledge of python string operators.

Noun = "MinYoongi" 
Adjective = "handsome" 
Adjective2 = "Very" 
Verb = "is" 
abrev =  Noun[3:9] # pseudocode: subtring(Noun, 1, 7) 
yoda = Adjective2 + " " + Adjective + " " + abrev + " " + Verb + "." # pseudocode: concat(Adjective2, " ", Adjective, " ", abrev, " ",Verb, ".") 
print(yoda) # pseudocode: display[yoda] # should print "Very handsome Yoongi is."
Very handsome Yoongi is.
# cookie = "choclate" 
# cookie2 = "rasin" 
# len1 = len(cookie) / 2 
# len2 = len(cookie2) * 45 
# vote1 = (cookie, "vote", len2) 
# vote2 = (cookie2, "vote", len1) 
# votes = concat(vote1, " ", vote2) 
# display[votes]

cookie = "chocolate" 
cookie2 = "raisin" 
len1 = (len(cookie) / 2)
len2 = (len(cookie2) * 45)
vote1 = (cookie + " " + "vote" + " " + str(len2)) 
vote2 = (cookie2 + " " + "vote" + " " + str(len1)) 
votes = vote1 + ", " + vote2
chocolate vote 270, raisin vote 4.5