Digital Divide

  • "have" vs. "have not" in terms of computers, internet, or access to technology
    • some areas of the country/world may have little to no access to technology
    • some countries have restricted internet access
    • divide in digital services allowed in countries

Factors that Contribute to the Digital Divide

  • socioeconomic status
  • geographic location
    • san diego area itself has discrepancies in access to technology between the northern and southern regions
    • sunnyvale is considered to be a "tech hub" for the US
    • at the start of the pandemic, 90,000 kids in New Jersey didn't have access to computers for distance learning
  • education level
  • nationality
  • religion
    • some religious groups choose not to use technology, ex. the Amish
  • age
  • ethnicity
  • people may be working on older versions of technology and not have access to the latest updates
    • older generations of computers, older software versions, etc.

Computers in the Classroom

  • Del Norte prefers that students bring computers to school + provide chromebooks to all students who don't have access to a computer
  • at school, there are internet blockers and limitations on what chromebooks or school computers can do, thus giving those with a personal computer an advantage

5.2 Hacks Questions

1. What do you think of investments being made in protection versus investments being made in technology education? Are digital fears expanding digital divide?

Investments being made in protection online are important to prevent getting hacked. Investments made in technology education are equally as important, because we use technology more and more every day, and having the skills to be able to use it effectively are becoming more important. I don't think that fears about hackers or digital safety are expanding the digital divide, but it can be argued that they are, since it costs money to get your devices protected.

2. How does someone empower themselves in a digital world?

People can empower themselves in the digital world by using computers that are accessible to all at libraries/schools to learn more about the technology.

3. How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

Donating old electronics or computer models or unused tech could be a way for those who are empowered to help those who are not empowered. We can also give monetary donations that would enable those in need to buy devices.

4. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

I don't think that the use of traditional methods of teaching are blocking empowerment. However, some places have technology bans and bans on which sites can be accessed on the internet, and this can lead to blocks in digital empowerment.