Overall Score: 41/50

  1. Q2: Which of the following has the greatest potential for compromising a user’s personal privacy?

  • I originally chose IP address, but I learned that the IP address doesn’t contain any extra information about the user, while cookies can

  • Cookies can be used to track the user and collect information about the user

  1. Q8: Which of the following are true statements about digital certificates in Web browsers?

  • I didn’t know what digital certificates were, at first

  • I learned that digital certificates help verify who the sender of communications are

  • It verifies the identity of a website/server and establishes an encrypted connection between the server and the person’s browser

  • Used to ensure authenticity of online transactions, ie. online banking, emails, etc.

  • Client’s web browser connects to website with digi certificate –> browser verifies authenticity by checking digital signature and identity of certificate authority –> certificate is valid –> website’s identity is confirmed –> browser establishes secure, encrypted connection

  • Helps protect privacy of data being transmitted between user and server

  1. Q22

  • I oriignally selected D, because I thought that the robot would just run into the wall

  1. Q23

  • I learned that an overflow error is when a program gives a result that’s outside the range of values that can be represented by the used data type/variable

  • 5 + 3 gets a value of 8

  • Max value 3 bits can store is 7

  • 8 > 7 —> OVERflow error

  1. Q24

  • I thought that option D would show that the procedure was wrong, however, it would work because it would display 0 since “ben” isn’t in the list

  • C is correct. Because the foundIndex gets changed back to 1 when it continues the loop to “chris”

  1. Q25

  • I learned that program documentation is used to describe the design, functionality, and purpose of a program

  • It helps developers and users understand howthe program works

  • Can include: system design documents, user manuals, installation guides, API reference guides, code comments, technical specifications, and release notes

  • Should be written through the development process, and as modifications are made; through testing, deployment, and maintenance too – can save time and effort, reduce errors, and improve usability of software

  1. Q28

  1. Q29

  1. Q33

  1. Q34

  • Was a silly mistake on my part

  1. Q39

  • The robot moves forward at line 6, so it would only make sense for it to count how many squares were hit after each time it moved forward

  • So of course the count should be increased between line 6 and 7

  1. Q40

  1. Q41

  • I learned that in order for a binary search to be performed, the list needs to be sorted in either an ascending or descending order

  1. Q45

  • I learned that procedural abstraction is breaking down a larger and more complex system into smaller, manageable parts

  • Has many benefits, such as being able to re-use procedures at multiple points in the same program or even in different programs, thus making the code easier to manage and making it easier to update programs

  • Allows programmers to create modular code that is easier to understand, test, and debug

  • Breaks down complex tasks into smaller procedures

  • Programmers can focus ion individual parts of the program at a time

  • Improves overall quality of code

  • Reusability & Modularity

  1. Q50